Steet-Smart Solutions & Proactive Knowledge is Powerful
"VIVERS Citizen Media | Journalism & Publishing"
(aka) "Back-Bone of America Worker Beez CLUB"
(aka) "VIVERS Citizen Media CLUB"
66 Year Life Lesson Collaborating
Forum & Blog
♣ my friends nickname for myself was "vivers" the meaning is "to live" ♣
Citizen Media, is the global culture regular society information highway of informing and helping each other.
Street-Smart, is proactive knowledge to avoid future negative outcomes. Navigating thru difficult situations to overcome obstacles. Finding successful solutions outside the standard system to be happy and healthier.
Choose any of my life Citizen-Media topics while also sharing your insightful life solutions under the various page categories, as well. I look forward to reading not (so much) about the problem, however, how you successfully overcame life troubles. Including, your successful proactive life measures to avoid (various) future negative outcomes. All to ensure we-all live a healthy, happy and prosperous life.
Thank you for sharing your Citizen Media.
Grandparents may think their Grandchildren lives are too busy for them. Later in life, I know for a fact, the memories will gratefully resurface during difficult times while talking to their Grandparent Angels seeking
HOPE & Inspiration
Dedicated to my best friend; Grandmom, Dorothy & Grandpa, George Hicks, who reported to Presidents approving DoD budgets for NASA, AF, Navy as Naval Aerospace Commanding Engineer.
I love you
About Ms. Vivers
The American Dream was to-be from
Rags to Riches
I moved to Southern California from the mid-west when I was 30. Primarily, because I wanted to work in Staffing offering people JOBs. There was an abundance of JOBs in California. People change JOBs more often. A friend’s parents that I grew up with had moved here.
Directly, after moving to California then my Grandpa (best friend) came to be with me after my Grandmom became an Angel. We had FUN. Then, Grandpa became ill. In and out, of the local Wealthy area Beach town hospital. Between the age of 30-40, I didn’t have time to meet a guy or date nor retain a true JOB.
After Grandpa became an Angel, I was left in a pretty bad situation. Also, terribly heart broken. My mid-west upstanding family were not happy I moved to California. I was left alone.
At first, the Secretarial Placement Staffing Agencies I interviewed with all said that “I was too nice to be a recruiter.” I ended up working a couple Inside Sales JOBs. I was strongly pushed to (basically) harass others who weren’t even interested in the company products. I needed to take the first JOBs that I was offered so to pay my bills. It’s impossible to take off work the first year of employment to interview for other JOBs. I wasn't good at strong selling. One reason might be because I have a small voice. I was terminated.
I went through many roommate situations to reside in the Wealthier Beach City area. I was raised nice. I was accustom to living in nicer areas. Everything I enjoyed with the people I met, were in-line with my personality.
I would frequent the local fine restaurant Happy Hours in my Wealthy City Beach town. I enjoy mingling with intelligent people, hearing about their lives, JOBs, industries, interests. I don’t enjoy cooking nor eating alone with a microwave dinner. I met many Wealthy and successful. Many business men arrived on private JETs. They met at the local finer restaurants for dinner meetings. I was a little shy as by nature not a bold personality type. Was nice simply discussing intelligent issues while mid-western polite. Plus putting on my make-up and dressing nice, it felt good and especially during difficult times. I enjoy dressing nice. It keeps my spirits up. A Happy Hour tiny meal with a fine restaurant house wine was nice and cheap. I called it, my Prozac. Afterwards when back home I would feel so much better. Maybe why restaurants call it, Happy Hour.
I also enjoy the gym most all my life. Great stress reliever. Feel good after.
While on unemployment, I started my own Technology and Engineering Staffing Firm. I was bound and determined to offer people JOBs as a living. I loved it. I found a tiny garage studio apartment in my Wealthy City Beach area that didn’t have a kitchen.
A very successful lady I had met in my Wealthy Beach town had mentioned to "go for the money" by placing Technical and Engineering employees. She consulted to CEOs. I purchased entry-level technical books and studied. I learned to program in HTML and later practiced with some JAVA/CSS. I educated on the over-all IT systems and how it all interacts between the Hardware and Software. My small Staffing Agency business started to take off while placing Sr. High-Tech and Executive level employees. The local Wealthy business owners I met while out mingling in the fine restaurants provided many JOBs to fill for their companies. As my company grew a little than I needed legal contracts with CPA and other outside support. Back then, I didn’t have Google to help research. I needed to rely on other people. I was taken advantage of. They saw a girl with money. It turned into running a business more than what I enjoyed in, offering people JOBs.
I posted my resume on the Monster JOB Board with my staffing knowledges. Immediately, I was contacted. Right away I was offered a Corporate Consulting/Contract employment opportunity with $65.00/hr compensation for approximately (1) year. It was a Staffing JOB with a BIG-5 Consulting Firm to place their IT Project Consulting Management teams.
I didn’t have a college degree. I tried college. I was more of a visual thinking, street-smart, gal who enjoyed learning by doing. For some reason I could visualize a situation beyond what most may see, to determine a successful outcome. Also a Gal who went out (often) to check-out what was going on, in my hood, to mingle with the local Wealthy whom I learned much from those truly intriguing conversations. Most my friends were true professionals with degrees too.
After a couple years, I ended up in a pretty great career that I loved while driving, Corporate Global Recruiting strategies on CEO's & Vice Presidents budgets within the, Technology and Semiconductor, industry. All while working, virtually, with global travels as a Contracted/Consultant. I was paid $90.00/hr and while working virtual and/or sitting on a plane while traveling. I was paid overtime. My income was approximately $20,000.00, a month.
Life was amazing without a care in the world. I had (pretty much) total control of my life.
All the prior (to be) knowledgeable Secretarial Temporary Staffing Agencies I interviewed with, whom stated I was “too nice to be a recruiter….” Well, it turns out that the high-level, intelligent and successful, people enjoy working with “nice” and respectful and humble people.
Here is ONE reason why I excelled so quickly in, Technology and Engineering, Corporate Staffing with initially a higher compensation. I educated on, Technology and Engineering, before there were many other Recruiters who learned and entered the industry.
♠ ♠ Be proactive to educate regarding the industries before they become popular. I’ll educate on how I know ♠ ♠
I personally experienced great, Healthcare and Doctors, when I had Blue Cross PPO self-insurance from 1996-2010. Health Insurance rates were much lower at $165.00/mo with a $250.00 deductible. Including lower apartment rents in more upscale areas.
As I completed one, Corporate Recruiter Consulting, project then I would have 2-3 JOB offers directly afterwards, to choose from.
I made a mistake in life. A truly BIG mistake. I bought too muchover-priced stuff when I had a nice income in my earlier years. That stuff didn't last. It wore out. It broke. It cost me more money. One was a 2001; 740IL BMW that cost over $90,000.00. What I didn’t figure was the costs to maintain the BMW. After 10 years I checked the maintenance receipts. That BMW cost me over $20,000.00 in maintenance.
CURRENTLY, while looking back (example; wish I had known then what I know now) then I wish that I had, self-educated, regarding the smaller, Micro and Penny Stock Market. It's MUCH different than, understanding with researching, the higher-priced SHARK-TANK BIG-BOY Stocks. Much to learn with more, broad and deep, researching techniques.
I'll mentor how to start-off (slowly) in a small CONSERVATIVE way. Mentoring on the mistakes that I made. Mainly, to HOPEFULLY provide a HEADS-UP for the BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ, to be proactive as much as possible and to avoid as many mistakes as possible. Including BROAD & DEEP RESEARCH MENTORING.
Because I would (definitely) have much more money today and would not have struggled to complete destruction, during the hard times. I probably would have been able to retire (nicely) by the time I was 50 years old. If I hadn't wasted my money and instead, copied what THE WEALTHY & SHARK-TANK GURUS did. I, unfortunately, had the mind-set in believing that life always moves forward and the good, JOB and Governmental Economic times, would last. Instead, I endured the (below) intense life hard-core struggles. And, it became really bad.
"Wish I had known then what I know now."
Enclosed (below) the "Schwab" 'ThinkOrSwim' Trader Platform News snips. The "ThinkOrSwim" Trader Platform News (on occasion) publishes certain Stock news that mentions if you had invested (example) $1,000.00 (6 or 7) years ago and in that particular Stock, than that Stock would be (example) worth $8,000 today.
Did you know that many Business Owner CEO's of Public Companies only take a yearly salary of $1.00 to $100,000.00? Their Millionaire$$ & Billionaire$$ mega-piggy-banks derives from their company Stock and the Stock Market.
During COVID downtime I was, bored and broke. I started off for FUN (simply) reading Corporate Stock News, in order to determine what industries would be booming after COVID was over .
I was always intrigued with how the Wealthy made massive amounts of money (simply) off their money. I knew many Business Owners and Executives, who became Wealthy via the Stock Market. I simply thought that I couldn't afford a Stock Broker and the Stock Prices per Share were too high.
During COVID with all that extra time, I extensively researched Stocks and the Stock Market. I found millions of Stocks priced for tiny SELF-INVESTORS under $1.00-$5.00 called Micro & Penny Stocks. Many within small companies that eventually took off. I opened an on-line "TD Ameritrade" Account because of their excellent reputation with 24/7 USA Customer Service (Schwab bought TDA). I started with $300.00 of my COVID extra unemployment money and turned into $600.00 in 3-4 months. I educated extensively on (conservative) Stock Trading within the smaller Stocks, using Hacker Scans. While researching IPOs with Insider Trading websites.
I became (severely) addicted to the smaller Stocks including educating on the Trading Rules and Regulations. I was even waking-up in the middle of the night to read the "TD Ameritrade" "ThinkOrSwim" (Schwab bought) Trading Platform Stock news, that goes out instantly to Millionaires and Billionaires around the globe 24/7. You can self-trade Stocks almost 24/7.
PLEASE NOTE AS VERY IMPORTANT: There is a different technique to BUYING & SELLING STOCKS after USA hours. I'll mentor with ALL below.
ALSO AGAIN & TRULY IMPORTANT, I'll mentor regarding the MISTAKES that I made in details. There were NO TRUE Stock Trading, YouTube Videos, that provided a HEADS-UP in order to proactively, keep and eye out, for the self-invested 'company' Stock changes. Neither did any Educational Financial Videos help to be proactively, cautious, with details to consider.
PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION AS THIS IS MY MAIN GOAL & THE MOST IMPORTANT, ONE of my goals (herein & below) is to help US, BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ, to start collaborating with FRIENDS and FAMILY regarding, Micro & Penny Stocks. ALL WHILE, to help the YOUNGER GENERATION, TO GET OFF THE STREETS and start BRAIN-STORMING with each other, on how to SELF-INVEST in the smaller, Micro & Penny Stocks. And, within a CONSERVATIVE manor. At the least to start in a CONSERVATIVE MANOR before jumping into the (more risky) DAY TRADING, right off the bat. HOPING this will intrigue the FAMILIES WHO ARE ECONOMICALLY CHALLENGED & THEIR YOUNGER GENERATION, to BUILD A BETTER SAVINGS - EITHER TO GET THRU THE HARDER TIMES EASIER OR TO HAVE A NICER RETIREMENT. ALL BY STARTING TO 'SNOW BALL' THEIR LITTLE STOCK PORTFOLOLIO EARLY IN LIFE - VERSES wasting their money on overly priced Cell Phones and Tennis Shoes.
TURN LEMONS INTO LEMONAID. You can't beat them - Then JOIN them.
DON'T GET ANGRY BECAUSE THE WEALTHY & POLITICIANS BAMBOOZLE US. Learn to jump on their BAND-WAGON & PIGGY-BACK on what THEY DO. Only on a smaller scale IN THE MICRO & PENNY STOCK MARKET, CONSERVATIVELY. There are different techniques compared to the BIG-BOY STOCKS. You saved a $100.00. Can turn that into $200.00 or more. Better than sitting on it, like and egg, while earning a tiny interest rate. AGAIN, I'll educate regarding the MISTAKES that I made in order to provide a HEADS-UP. NO one advised NOR helped. Also to educate researching potential companies with proactive targeting. Keep it conservative.
HOPEFULL, I can help others to avoid my situation (below). It's not simply making money off money, via the tiny-investor Stock Market. Need to ensure you have knowledge to be MORE proactive and cautious regarding what can happen and what to consider when researching to make a Stock Investment. What to look-out for. To ensure that Stock Investing is a good experience for you and you don't get discouraged and give up. ALL so you don't simply watch the SHARK-TANK BIG-BOYS make off like Bandits. They have BIG-BOY BROKERS and Knowledge. WE HAVE OUR "VIVERS CITIZEN MEDIA CLUB."
CONSERVATIVE SMALL STOCK INVESTING, Not necessarily, Day Trading (just yet) until you get your feet-wet and learn the ropes. There as much to learn. It's a never ending self-education. With your Little Piggy-Bank of starting off with maybe $25.00 or more, then WILL PROVIDE YOU A CERTAIN FEELING OF CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE and MONEY. It's a good feeling and FUN to check-in while following the News on your favorite company to, HOPE & DREAM. Also an excellent SELF-EDUCATION that will carry you through your entire life. A feeling that your MOVING FORWARD, with some control over your life.
♠ ♠ DO YOU KNOW: Wealthy families set up TRUST FUNDS for their children. They educate their children while very young on the Stock Market and Investing.♠ ♠
♠ ♠ Starting "CONSERVATIVELY" is important because if you lose money than will become discouraged. ♠ ♠
♠ ♠ Later than may chose to consider the more risky, Day Trading and Options Trading. I would not start off by risky, Trading of Stocks, until learning the, NEED TO KNOW BASICS with REGULATIONS for smaller account Trading. When I jumped into Day Trading, I lost some money. I'll mentor below. ♠ ♠
MENTORING, how to utilize a conservative TOP global reputable self-investing Brokerage Firm that global Millionaires and Billionaires trust. It simply takes $25.00 to open a "Schwab" ON-LINE, Self-Brokerage Account to start SELF-TRADING - I had no idea that I could start with that small of a Stock Portfolio, to get my feet-wet with a TRULY REPUTABLE STOCK BROKER COMPANY. "Schwab" also has exceptional 24/7 USA Customer Service with a Trading Team. They have always helped and been nice with plenty of time on the phone. I started with the, cream of the crop, Brokerage Firms because I prefer to be associated with quality, to avoid complications later.
LIFE BECOME DIFFICULT AFTER 9'11 - for myself & most of Americans.
After 9’11, American JOBs declined with outsourcing JOBs. My income went from $90.00/hr to $65.00/hr. After 15-18 years than I was lucky to get $35.00/hr. All while performing the same JOB duties while evaluating similar, Technology and Engineering, candidates.
Companies also outsourced their Staffing duties to other countries. Who would have thought that to obtain a JOB in America, than would need to submit your resume to a Recruiter in another country ? All while more USA Recruiters jumped into, Technology and Engineering.
In the beginning, I submitted about (10) resumes with (2-3) JOB offers. A few years later I submitted (100-500) resumes with (1) JOB offer. Years later I was submitting (1000-2000) resumes with (1) interview. Then, end 2023-2024, I submitted close to (5,000) resumes for any JOB that would consider myself. I was like a machine, night and day, trying to save myself.
At times, I ended up in a very bad situations subjected to horrible bully mentalities, that I won't mention. Never thought it would happen to me. It was the direct opposite of receiving any helpful, honest, advice or truthful support that I needed for a true direction. It was like weeding through a mine-field. NOT like the SHARK-TANK OR WEALTHY, RESPECTIVELY, SUPPORT EACH OTHER WITH, ADVICE AND/OR DIRECTIONS FOR A FASTER, SUCCESSFUL, QUICK, OUTCOME.
I hesitated to DUMMY-DOWN my resume with LinkedIn profile that highlighted all my wonderful, hard-working, accomplishments which exposed my “Overqualified” and "Agism" track-record. I filled-in my unemployed resume gaps with a newly created, self-employment, Staffing Agency company name. GOOD ADVICE TO CONSIDER: This time I only filed my Staffing Agency company (so a legit company) as a, DBA (Doing Business As) with my County Recorder office for $35.00. My prior Staffing Agency company a CPA had Incorporated. Therefore, I needed to deal with the, California Secretary of State. That cost me a lot of money as required an expensive CPA business and tax knowledges.
Who would have thought someone like myself would endure such, bottom of the barrel, living situations due to complete Governmental Economic and JOB bamboozlement. With Corporations Outsourcing JOBs, inclusive a DOUBLE WAMMY as considered "Overqualified" - because I WAS TOO SMART WITH TOO MUCH EXPERIENCE ?
AND, I can't forget the "Agism" title I was branded with. All while I still worked out at the GYM about 6a-7a - almost (2) hours - (5) Days a week. Harder and longer than the 20 year old's.
I had every HOGWASHED JOB obstacle and hurtle to deal with. Most of the BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ, do/did. I witnessed, more and more, car-campers and homeless. Truly upstanding looking Americans with scared and stressed-out looks on their faces.
I never thought someone like myself who worked harder than anyone I worked with (never lazy) and was known as intelligent in my field, would endure such life hardships. Leaving me scared in situations alone while weeding through the Government Socialism survival game that simply spun me around in circles while wasting my TIME. I was sent around in Government survival circles always chasing my tail.
I'm gonna be honest, I ran to a FEW (private owner Restaurant) cheap, Happy Hours for a Wine, in more low-key places with a nice open view. When the stress was intense than It helped in order to forget about my situation, relax, and keep my Mental MOJO straight. It helped to think better when more relaxed. Mingling around other people or the Bartender who knew me with a glass of Wine then helped realize I was a Tiny Spec on the face of the earth and everything would be alright. For that 2-3 hours of time than I would forgot about my problems, somewhat. TRY IT - IF EVER STRESSED OUT & CAN'T THINK FORWARD BECAUSE OF WORRY. People are nice when having Wine while out. The friendliness coupled with the Wine, is like - I don't know it just feels good. I would return to my situation, sleep better, wake up ready to tackle the massive problems I endured ALL day long, all by myself. The Gym in the morning helped to; center, focus and balance. It's what I do to keep in good spirits despite great odds and even when broke. I call it my Prozac. Not going to change. Additionally, it keeps me mellow and happy knowing that I'm taking that time to enjoy life and take care of not simply my mental happiness while also my physical appearance - despite what the universe has in store.
All while my Blue Cross PPO insurance increased to $500.00/mo with a $9,000.00 deductible. I ALMOST WENT HUNGRY AT TIMES, in an attempt to keep my GREAT PPO Health Insurance because I had TOP QUALITY Doctors who knew me, and my Health is most important. Without my Health than I can't earn a living and have FUN. My Insurance Agent is a witness. Sometimes made my Blue Cross payment at the last minute and she would call to ensure they received.
In 2010, I was stuck on the County FREE Medical Insurance. My long-time, upstanding, Doctors didn’t accept the FREE Medical Insurance. Doctors who accept FREE Medical Insurance would not listen to me. I was treated like a dumb person. They spent (5) minutes and then walked out the door. I would sit in the waiting room for one-hour or more waiting to see the Doctor. When Doctors are only provided $25.00/visit they’ll load-up and quickly run through patients. They have a business to run with business costs including an administrative staff to pay. Plus, need to support their homes and families. I investigated a few of their medical educations showing from the college of Granada, in another country. I had to become my own Doctor.
However, the Wealthy who can maintain the higher cost Health Insurance that compensates Doctors well, than are treated with much more respect. Doctors will, GO TO BAT, for their patients to obtain needed scans etc. I also knew from residing in a Wealthy area that Wealthy have direct cell phone numbers to their Doctors, for immediate help.
I learned much while living in a Wealthy area watching how they were treated including how RESPECTIVELY they treated each other. All while I considerately, mingled, with them while having intelligent conversations. I also learned MUCH in how the HONEST WEALTHY WITH TRUE SUBSTANCE network with each other. If you are dishonest or shady, than the HONEST WEALTHY won't play golf or have anything to do with you. It's too much trouble for them and a waste of TIME. It's about WHO you know that truly gets you by in life with including money-talks volumes.
While I was stuck on Government FREE Health Insurance. One Government FREE Doctor prescribed a different heart medication for my A-FIB. I was out walking during COVID on the 3rd day of taking the new medication. I felt pressure on my chest. I couldn’t walk any more. A Beach Home Owner called the Paramedics. My Heart went into Shock. Luckily, I was close to my local hospital. They saved my life while the ER Nurse stated that "I was at deaths door." I'm sensitive to medications and have a child's system to medications. What makes some people tired keeps me awake. I prior advised the FREE Doctor of such, he didn't listen or check the bad history of the prescription. Afterwards, the Doctors went into complete, cover-up, mode.
Two months prior I had an ECHO and my heart was perfectly healthy with a 65% Injection Rate.
Additionally, I will advise how I repaired my heart out of Heart Failure without all the medications my Doctor tried loading me up with. The Doctor stated "I would be in Heart Failure forever." He was wrong.
It's truly tuff out there for US BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ. It's hard to enjoy life and relax without so much stress like in the ole-days. Including a feeling like you don't have any control over ANY aspect of your own life, anymore. Mainly because it takes money to enjoy life. Happy Hours and the Gym helped me get by.
A Guy-Buddy said once that "you always end-up landing back on your feet." Including many divine interventions that were truly interesting.
It wasn't hard when I was growing up in a mid-west middle-class home with parents who, right out of college, entered the, Air Force. Then, retired from the same DoD JOB. While my Dad sang in the Episcopal Choir, with his ashes resting in the Church Lobby. I attended our Episcopal Church with Sunday School, every Sunday. However, I was not life educated by my parents to prepare me for all the turmoil that Americans endure now.
I highly doubt my parents knew that many American Careers would be Outsourced, with Americans prior GREAT incomes severely declining all while (simultaneously) the cost of living severely increased. Additionally, while EMPLOYEES of companies endure many Corporate Acquisitions with laying-off employees to INCREASE THE STOCK VALUE for all their WEALTHY INVESTORS.
I suffered the reality-check, hard-core, consequences, later in life. Having to start-over after losing everything and then some (3-times). I thought that life was moving forward and I was back on track & THEN BAM ! - BLIND-SIDED AGAIN.
WORSE, when subjected to bully mentalities while at the lower income of, bare survival life of the fittest. Including the people I paid who were dishonest, in more ways than one. I had to take a few 'burn and turn' JOBs with dishonest Business Owners., I saw grown, educated, prior professional, middle-age, men working in Telemarketing JOBs. Including older working class women going homeless in their cars for the first time.
It was like walking through a life-struggle, mine-field, always having to watch my back VERSES moving and thinking forward. Like when life is working for you verses against you.
ME, who grew up middle-class in the mid-west to making close to $200,000/year. I never thought it would happen to ME.
I have heard many say that life is "LUCK." I gave my efforts a 1000%.
FRANKLY & TRULY SERIOUSLY, when I look back it's ALL because I wasted my money thinking the GOOD TIMES WOULD LAST IF I WORKED HARD AND STAYED FOCUSED. While, ALL the RED-FLAGS where there when speaking with the Wealthy in my RICH City Beach Town, in how they Invested in the STOCK MARKET. I should have performed more research and followed the Wealthy GURUs Lead and Knowledges. I thought that I needed to GO-BIG OR NOT AT ALL.
Directly, after COVID then TRUMP was right. JOB hiring skyrocketed. I was back to work on a couple, virtual, pretty nice, Corporate Contract Recruiting JOBs, that paid per hour. Although, 1099, I had to pay ALL the employment taxes. I worked ONE virtual Corporate Staffing JOB with GLOBAL hours while SIMULTANEOSLY another virtual Corporate Staffing JOB during USA hours. I was like a working (LEAN MEAN) machine. I was working 24/7 around the clock for 1.5 years, even in HEART FAILURE. STILL, I was at the Gym at 5a, working on my heart to keep my Heart Strong. After (2) years I was NO-LONGER in Heart Failure.
All while I continued to send out resumes for ANY JOB. I sent out 5,000 resumes in 2023-2024, to no avail.
I obtained a very cheap and small little Studio Rental room, in another Wealthy area (near my old Beach City Area), simply by a fluke through a fairly Wealthy family that I had known prior. I had saved money and researched the Micro & Penny Stocks more intensely (24/7). Even waking up in the middle of the night as I became addicted to the small Stock Market NEWS with HACKER SCANS. While continuing to educate myself on the OVERALL Stock Market, in's and out's.
I then spent much time seeking a way to help others. I enjoy helping others, it feels good. To ensure (mainly) the BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ, educate regarding how to self-invest in the smaller-scale Stock Market and be, PROACTIVELY CAUTIOUS as much as possible. I will provide the mistakes I made in detail. How INDUSTRIES are important. The importance of targeting good future company products with growth opportunities. How a solid Executive Level Leadership team in a small company is crucial with research.
BECAUSE if you START-OFF utilizing the Stock Market CONSERVATIVELY than it's better than a PORTION of your savings accumulating via a tiny % interest rate in the bank. That knowledge will also, HOPEFULLY, help you to avoid my situation, later in life.
♠ ♠ ALSO IMPORTANT, to provided the YOUNGER GENERATION something more, constructively, IMPORANT to think about with their TIME and MONEY. Planning for their future, early. Including to collaborate with their FAMILY & FRIENDS, to learn from each other - watch their Stocks grow. ♠ ♠
Also, super COOL to say "hey, my Stock Portfolio grew faster than yours."
And, it's FUN watching your MONEY accumulate MONEY OFF your MONEY (basically) while you sleep by simply making ONE good decision to BUY a Stock.
It's FUN to interact and BRAIN-STORM with others regarding the Stocks and companies you're self-investing with. I was shocked when I mentioned to others that I was Trading Stocks while educating myself. So, many GALs and YOUNG people became intrigued and asked questions. Older Wealthy Men helped with advice as they've been Trading Stocks for a long time. A LOT OF PEOPLE ENJOY DISGUSSING THE STOCK MARKET OR WANT TO JUMP INTO THE STOCK MARKET BUT SCARED. I sat out having my cheap Happy Hour wine in fairly (fine) local restaurants the conversations over Stock Investing is FUN and EDUCATIONAL. Truly wonderful mingling conversations.
HOPEFULLY, before YOU make a huge mistake by purchasing over-priced items or stuff you don't truly need (like I made the mistake of doing when had money) - YOU WILL enjoy self-investing the money and watching it accumulate in a conservative manor. After getting your FEET-WET then maybe consider the more intense DAY TRADING. I can show how that works.
ANOTHER ONE OF MY SPECIALTIES THAT I BELIEVE WILL HELP OTHERS; I'LL ALSO MENTOR regarding how the JOB SEARCHING system works, internally, behind the Human Resources scenes. It's TRULY helpful to understand how the 'SYSTEM' works. ADDITIONALLY, how larger and other companies calculate employees compensations. MOST IMPORTANT & WHY, are the key-words you need to use in your resume, all so recruiters can find your resume before others.
INCLUDNG, Health Issue collaborations with holistic alternatives. Example; before 9'11, I rented an apartment in a Wealthy area. Turned out had TOXIC MOLD with leaks. I was referred to a holistic retreat where Hollywood stay in order to Juice on green-leafy vegetables to detox my system. When I left, after a couple weeks of Juicing, the whites of my eyes were pure white and my memory was amazingly clear. It's hard to keep up the regiment. I learnt much. I would like to share this, enclosed.
Therefore, VIVERS Citizen Media CLUB.
LIKE when the SharkTank and Wealthy Gurus support each other (example) play Golf with expensive Lunch Meetings while conducting BIG-$-DEALS. All while the Wealthy Gurus swap Health Information INCLUDING their BIG-BOY Stock and Investment knowledges. ALL supporting each other via massive direct and immediate access to truly exceptional information needed.
UNFORTUNATELY, leaving the BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ to endure massive phone calls with TRIAL & ERROR attempts. All while trying to obtain true helpful information and/or support - because we’re not in their instant speed-dial CLUB.
THEREFORE, I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME THE, BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER-BEEZ, INTO MY “VIVERS CITIZEN MEDIA CLUB”. This is 'OUR' CLUB to help and support each other through life with knowledges relating to the most important topics that I am well knowledgeable thru, trial and error:
♣ JOBs ♦ How the JOB searching system works behind the scenes ♦ Interviewing ♦ Key-Words on resumes are most IMPORTANT so recruiters can find your resume amongst millions of resumes in the databases ♦ Mentoring ♦ Why LinkedIn profiles are most important ♦ and more....
♣ HEALTHCARE ♦ How to obtain what you need from your Doctors ♦ Important Scans ♦ Juicing to detox and where I went that Hollywood and Models go ♦ How I repaired my heart when a top Cardiologist said I could not and tried to push me through a surgery that I didn't need and would have caused more harm.
♣ SELF-STARING with baby-steps the upfront "NEED TO KNOW" in a methodical manor (conservative) MICRO & PENNY STOCK SELF-INVESTING at .50 to $2.00 per share ♦ Conservative, METHODICAL mentoring with THE NEED TO KNOW BASICS ♦ How to target future industries ♦ Growth potential company products ♦ Using a reputable Schwab Investment Brokerage account that major investment firms with millionaires and billionaires trust. Starting with savings as low as $25.00 ♦ Mentoring on the Schwab, ThinkOrSwim Trading Platform ♦ Learning how to 'USE THE NEWS' ♦ Investing in the smaller, Micro and Penny Stocks, in a conservative manor is an entirely different education than investing in the big-boy Stocks.
MOST IMPORTANT ♦ What I did wrong ♦ What to look out for ♦ No other avenue helped understand or mentored regarding potential problems or IN DETAIL ♦ Everything was focused towards the; rah, rah, rah - of making money ♦ Not in detail how you can "SHRED A BANK ACCOUNT" and loose money.
♣ SHORT STORIES ♦ I enjoy writing that have a Moral to the story at the end, for fun.
*** I do not work for Schwab. I have zero friends, family or associates who work for Schwab ***
Vivers Citizen Media
Journalism & Publishing
(aka) "The Back-Bone of America Worker Beez CLUB"
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
♣ Forum & Blog
♣ Mentoring Videos
♣ Collaborating Global Meetings.
♣ True Solutions
.♣ Preventive Behavior
Helping the 'Young Generation' thru 'Working Years' to their 'Golden Years' up until become 'Angels'.
The, Economically Bamboozled Citizens who are normally left fending for ourselves due to lack of access to Top Gurus or as true-to-life that "Money Talks."
Additionally, so the economically challenged 'Young Adults' can show their Mom's & Dad's. Including to entrepreneurially (brainstorm) with their Friends as a SELF-Stock-knowledge for life.
CERTAINLY, it will create a FUN and mentally challenging, money-making, entrepreneurial minded, entertainment. As apposed to the 'Young Adults' hitting the streets for a good time.
I believe the 'economically challenged' will realize that overpaying for a CELL PHONE or TENNIS SHOES won't mean that much when they learn to think about how that extra $25.00+ will build a small PORTFOLIO OF STOCKS, that will BOOST their SUPER-COOL entrepreneurial-minded, self-image, with their friends. More than overpriced-stuff that doesn't last.
🤩If invested this $$ in the past what the Stocks would be worth today😎
♦ If invested $100.00 in $OPEN (10) years ago would be worth $4,948.47, today. on 03/06/25.
♦ Below is the MAX CHART range from when the Stock first did their, Initial Public Offering "IPO."
Company is Shopfly.
♦ If invested $1,000. in $ADSK (10) years ago would be worth $4,453.12, today.
♦ Below is the MAX CHART range from when the Stock first did their, Initial Public Offering "IPO."
Company is AutoDesk Inc.
♦ If invested $1,000. in $VEEV (10) years ago would be worth $7,926.22 today.
♦ Below is the MAX CHART range from when the Stock first did their, Initial Public Offering "IPO."
Company is Veeva Systems
♦ MAJOR COOL: If invested $1,000. 00 in $ILMN (20) years ago the Stock would be worth $23,746.54, today (2/25/25) at the current Stock Price of $95.76.
♦ 20 Years ago if invested when the Stock was .90 cents (divided by) $1,000.00 = 1,111.00 Shares of Stock that you would have purchased.
♦ SUPER COOL: is the Stock went up to $555.00 at one time (times) 1,111 Shares of Stock = $616,605.00
♦ Below is the MAX CHART range from when the Stock first did their, Initial Public Offering "IPO."
OMG HAPPY TIMES IN RETIREMENT MAYBE SOONER THAN A LIFE LONG, BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEE ! You get where I'm going here and why "I wish that I had known then what I know now" and had not wasted my money on stupid stuff.
Company is Illumina Inc.
♦ If invested $100.00 in $MARA (5) years ago would be worth $1,588.92 today on 03/02/25. at $ 13.92.
♦ SUPER COOL: is the Stock went up to $30.28 on 11/26/24 (only 1 year prior). It dropped to about .50 after the initial IPO = .50 cents (divided) $100.00 = 200 Shares (times) $30.28 = $6,056.00 only (4) years later.
♦ FYI: Rarely as a beginning Stock investor do you purchase a Stock directly after an IPO.
♦ Below is the MAX CHART range from when the Stock first did their, Initial Public Offering "IPO."
Company is Mara Holdings Inc.
YMBOL "OPTT" : I tried 'Day Trading' this stock vs 'Buying Conservatively'.
♦ I purchased "OPTT" Stock because the, TRADING PLATFORM NEWS, stated the company would "REPORT QUARTERLY EARNINGS EARLY." The VOLUME from my ThinkOrSwim, Hacker Scan, was in the multi-millions based on the simple NEWS regarding the CEO reporting the company "earnings" early after the, USA 4:00p EST, closing Bell Rang, that day. The VOLUME is the number of shares purchased by the Investors.
♦ The VOLUME was massive in the 500,000,000+ Shares purchased that Day due to people Buying massive shares based on the NEWS that came across the, ThinkOrSwim Trading Platform (I'm sure other Traders saw as well using other Brokers). Therefore, it drove the Stock UP very quickly (see: first increase in the chart below).
♦ I purchased the Stock quickly. I made approximately $1,000.00 in ONE day. I had to watch the Stock like a hawk all day. The Stock kept going, up and up. I was in Trading Heaven.
♦ The preliminary ACTUAL QUARTERLY EARNINGS STATISTICS NEWS was to come out directly in AFTER HOURS TRADING, which starts at 4:00p/EST.
♦ When the ACTUAL EARNINGS NEWS came out during the, After Hours Trading, at about 4:05p/EST, then the Stock DROPPED LIKE A LEAD WEIGHT. The Earnings Numbers didn't look very good, after all that.
♦ Because the NEWS came out on the QUARTERLY EARNINGS in AFTER HOURS TRADING, I then had to get the EXACT BID PRICE in order to SELL. I watched the Stock drop in like (5) minutes very fast. I was shaking while trying to get the exact BID price to SELL as the Stock was moving violently down.
♦ I NOT ONLY lost my (approximate) $1,000.00+ that I made that day. The Stock ended up DROPPING below the price that I purchased the Stock at. I ended up loosing (approximate) $500.00. This is why you should not start off, Day Trading. However, start off by slowly learning the Stock ropes in a conservative way.
♦ I should have set a TRADING, STOP LOSS (as it's called in the Trading industry) FOR EXTENDED HOURS TRADING after 4:00p EST.
♦ OR, I should have SOLD the Stock BEFORE the end of the USA Trading Day at 4:00p EST. Also, after already making a small profit. SELLING a Stock during USA Trading Hours is easier as a, MARKET ORDER, than you can simply click SELL. You don't need an exact Stock price in order to SELL the Stock. I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN GREEDY. I was not experienced enough to be GREEDY.
♦ AGAIN, during 'AFTER HOURS TRADING' than you have to SELL the Stock at the exact BID STOCK PRICE in order to get out of the Stock. It's easier to SELL the Stock during USA Trading time between the hours of 9:00a EST - 4:00p EST, as then to simply SELL a Stock you only need to click the, SELL MARKET ORDER. The Stock will almost SELL instantly.
♦ I was shaking because the Stock was plummeting very fast in like seconds. I tried to catch the exact, After Trading Hours "BID" PRICE as the Stock was plummeting and that is very hard.
♦ I made another mistake after Selling the Stock after it dropped and I had lost $500.00.
♦ The "ACTUAL QUARTERLY EARNINGS' of the company Stock came out in the NEWS later that month. The Sock went WAY UP to $1.75. I was too afraid to get back in. Please see the below chart.
♦ NOT ONLY, did I loose (approximate) $500.00 after making $1,000.00 that day. All in ONE DAY. I could have had more profits at about $2,000.00++ within a month if I had REPURCHASED the Stock (OR) IF I HAD NOT PANICKED AND SOLD.
♦ It takes TIME to learn the "Day Trading" skills. Why I will mentor regarding the challenges relating to, Day Trading VERSES starting-off Conservatively. In order to learn the (somewhat) NEED TO KNOW BASICS FIRST, and as fast as possible in ONE SWOOP.
♣ I figured that if I, provided BASIC-OVERALL details NEEDED (upfront) than people would have saved massive TIME and FRUSTRATION by always weeding through to find answers OR continually calling the, Schwab Customer Service. It would TRULY HELP the smaller Stock Investors NOT to be intimidated to start - THE BACK-BONE OF AMERICA WORKER BEEZ - whom many work (2) JOBs and don't have much TIME to weed through all the massive information for the BASICS needed upfront. They need much more 'hand-holding' from square ONE, Step-by-Step - FROM THE VERY BASIC START. It took 1-2 years to learn, THE NEED TO KNOW BASICS. People provided TID-BITS of information, here and there. Or, massive Youtube Videos and Training videos to weed through. Many times, it was like getting your, tooth pulled to obtain the NECESSARY BASIC information. All while wondering what questions to ask for the answers I needed NEXT. Simply to learn, THE NEED TO KNOW BASICS. Turned out, NOT ALL THE 'BASIC' INFORMATION NEEDED IS PROVIDED ANYWHERE IN A STEP/STEP, METHODICAL APPROACH, WHILE OFFERING THE PRELIMINARY VITAL INFORMATION NEEDED TO UNDERSTAND (OVERALL) MORE QUICKLY. ♣
The reason why Vivers is helping others via a slow, methodical mentoring herein, is that it took massive calls to, Customer Service, including various YouTube videos to learn the NEEDED KNOW Basics. Including important regulations of, Buying and Selling, for small accounts. There is a difference.
Mentoring the Small Investors with the most important self-trading stock aspects, in one swoop to get started then should help with less frustration and save the, Vivers Citizen Media Club, TIME starting off with self-investing in Stocks.
1: ⇔ Establish a self-trading Schwab on-line Stock & Brokerage Investment Account using the Schwab website LINK below -There are NO FEES. See all below on set-up with Schwab ZERO FEE link to verify directly with Schwab.
⇔ May start or only retain $25.00, in your account.
⇔ Once you set up a Schwab Stock Account, than will need to provide your phone number, Zip Code and last 4 digits of Social Security number and in order to have access to the, 'USA 24/7 Customer Service' and the 'USA 24/7 Trading Desk' for questions:
⇔ USA Customer Service for Stock and Investment Accounts: (800)-435-4000
⇔ USA Trading Desk for Stock and Investment Accounts: (800)-368-3668
⇔ LINK: Schwab Pricing NO FEES to self-trade Stock OR have a Stock Account OR use Schwab Banking Services - IT'S ALL FREE and why I use Schwab.
- ⇔ 1a: LINK: to Schwab Website.
- ⇔ 1b: On right side at the top it notes to "Open An Account."
- ⇔ 1c: First box it says for an "Individual Brokers Account."
- ⇔ 1d: Input your information.
- ⇔ 1e: LINK: Keep in mind Schwab is not just a Bank. It's also an Investment Broker Firm. Therefore, Schwab is regulated by the "Securities and Exchange Commission "SEC".
- ⇔ 1f: Schwab will request you read the contracts on regulations etc. Due to an Investment Firm.
- ⇔ 1g: LINK: if invest between $25,000-$500,000.00+ Schwab will pay you (not me) from $100.00-$1,000.00. In order to receive your account bonus use code: REFER8AY83BVX
- ⇔ 1h: You can apply for a Schwab Banking NO FEE ATM Card. I have found that you can use at any ATM. Schwab will reverse the ATM fees at the end of the month.
- ⇔ 1i: You can order Schwab checks.
- ⇔ 1j: LINK: Schwab Applications for Banking and other Investments your considering.
- ⇔ 1k: Schwab Banking is much different with a different Customer Service phone number than your Schwab Stock Broker Account. However, it's all connected to your Schwab Stock Account Number. Schwab Banking also has 24 hour Customer Service who are very nice and helpful, located in America. You have to establish a Stock Brokerage Account first (above) then will need to provide last 4 digits on Social Security Number and Zip Code to have access to Schwab BANKING CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-421-4488.
2: Downloading the ThinkOrSwim Trading Platform from the Schwab website.
3: The ThinkOrSwim Trading Platform starts as a general boiler plate. Starting with basic ThinkOrSwim
4: How to access the ThinkOrSwim Electronic Paper Money to practice.
5: How to set up the (basic) ThinkOrSwim Charts 6: How to set up and use the color coated instant access from your stock symbol to the Stock symbol chart.
6: How to set up the (basic) desk top to obtain the News.
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